manifestation and law of attraction

Master Manifestation And The Law Of Attraction – 8 Steps

It is said that there are twelve universal laws, but we are going to concentrate on the Law of Attraction, which states that what you think about, you attract into your life. What you focus your energy on, you will attract more of. This works for both positive and negative thoughts, situations and feelings. As the Law of Attraction is always at work, just like the Law of Gravity, we do not consciously think about it. It is not magic or an illusion, it is a Universal Law.

Aren’t The Law of Attraction And Manifestation The Same Thing?

The simple answer is no. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. The manifestation process is how you create the life you want, based upon the law of attraction. To manifest something, you need to set the intention and create the circumstances to make it happen. Manifestation and the law of attraction are interconnected, and we will explore how you can apply them in your everyday life and create the reality you want.

Myths Around Manifesting

Before we get started, lets clear up some of the myths surrounding manifestation and the law of attraction.

  • Myth Number 1
    It is a myth that you must altogether avoid negativity. If negativity didn’t exist, positivity wouldn’t exist either. Life is comprised of both yin and yang, and neither can exist without the other. When you know what you don’t want, you then know what you do want, which is a positive in my book.
  • Myth Number 2
    Another myth is that if you just think positively, you will manifest anything and everything you desire. It is important to remember you are co-creating your life with the universe, and what you feel is best for you may not always be accurate. All universal laws intertwine, and we will also discuss the law of vibration, which is extremely important.
  • Myth Number 3
    The idea that only your thoughts determine your reality is another myth. It’s your thoughts, feelings, and actions that combine to create your reality, which also relates to the law of vibration.
  • Myth Number 4
    Perhaps the biggest myth of all is that manifestation is not for everyone. Anyone can benefit from the law of attraction, if they put conscious effort into their mindset, aligning with their goals and desires, co-create with the universe and manifest what they want. It is in constant motion and affects everyone either subconsciously or consciously.
  • Myth Number 5
    When you manifest the life of your dreams, you will be happy. What makes you think you will be happy with your manifestations if you are not happy now in your present situation and grateful for what you have? To manifest your desires, you must first do the inner work. A person’s happiness does not begin at a destination; it starts from within.

What Is The Law Of Vibration?

manifestation stars

One more thing that you need to know before we continue is that the Law of Attraction is actually based on another universal law; The Law Of Vibration.

Everything in the universe is made up of atoms and molecules that are vibrating at different speeds or frequencies. This includes trees, rocks, water, air, and us humans. Even our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create vibration. As Albert Einstein once said, “Everything in life is vibration.”

However, unlike inanimate objects like rocks, we have the power to change our vibration frequency with our thoughts! By thinking more positively about things we are able to raise our vibration frequency and attract more positive things into our lives. The opposite is true if we think negatively about things and have doubts about ourselves.

This is the reason why The Law of Attraction works. It is your vibration what causes attraction, and you will only attract vibrations that match up with your vibration. So when you start to align your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with the things that you desire, you are changing your frequency to match the frequency of the things that you want, attracting them into your life. As the Law of Attraction guru Bob Proctor explains, “Everything we want will come to us when we get in harmony with it.”

How Can You Make Manifesting Work For You?

To make manifestation work for you, you must first deal with your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts. Taking the time to appreciate your current situation is essential, and appreciating what you currently have. Vibrationally, your energy must match the energy of your desires. If you want to manifest happiness into your life, for example, look at the small things in your life that make you happy. Try to find them daily. The more you embody happiness, the more likely you will attract the same frequency.

Changing your mindset is the most important step when it comes to manifesting. Why will the universe bring these things or feelings to you if you don’t believe you deserve them? Why don’t you feel worthy? It matches what you believe. When you feel good enough, believe you’re worthy and believe you deserve whatever it is you’re trying to manifest, and you align yourself with those feelings and actions. The universe will acknowledge that and return to you what you put out energetically.

8 Steps To Manifest Your Dreams

Alright, now that you know the basics of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration, let’s dive into how you can actually put things in practice. If you’ve watched The Secret, you’re already familiar with with the steps “ask, believe, and receive”. Unfortunately, a lot of steps were omitted in the movie, so here is the complete 8 step guide to help you manifest your dreams.

1. Get Rid Of Your Limiting Beliefs

Changing your mindset is the most important first step when it comes to manifesting. You must believe in yourself and that you are both worthy and capable of manifesting what you want in your life. Because why would the universe bring you what you want if you don’t believe you deserve it? The universe matches what you believe. When you feel good enough, believe you’re worthy and believe you deserve whatever it is you’re trying to manifest, and you align yourself with those feelings and actions. The universe will acknowledge that and return to you what you put out energetically.

2. Be Clear About What You Want

To get the best results, you must be clear about what it is you truly want. Be as specific as possible. Because if you are vague or inconsistent, then you will get vague and inconsistent results. Your intentions must also be pure and come from a place of love. This means that you cannot manifest harm to others, and what you manifest cannot negatively impact anyone else.

3. Decide How You Want To Feel

Next, you need to decide how you want to feel once your dreams and desires come into your life. How will it make you feel? Joyful, happy, free? Clarify these feelings for yourself. By being clear about these feelings, you raise your vibration to match the vibration of what you are manifesting in your life.

4. Visualise The Reality You Want

You can do this whenever you want, but a good idea is to do it while meditating, as you’ll be more relaxed and spiritually in tune with yourself. Make sure there are no distractions in the room, take some deep breaths, and visualise the reality that you have manifested. What does your future life look like? What are you up to? Who are you with? How do you feel? What are you wearing? What are you drinking? By being more specific in your manifestation and your visualisation, you’ll be able to raise your vibration and stay in this vibration for longer.

5. Write Down Everything

This is the time to ask. You can do it in a variety of ways. The most common way is to write down everything you want to manifest in a journal. This is known as a manifestation journal. Again, be as specific as possible with everyhing that you want in your future life. Where do you want to live? What does your house look like? What type of job do you want? What type of relationship do you want to be in? Where do you want to travel? What do you do for fun? What are the things that make you happy?

You can also make a vision board where you put images that represent things that you are manifesting. You can do this on your computer, on your phone, on a website like Pinterest or Canva, or you can do it the old fashioned way by cutting out images from magazines or printing images that you find on the internet. What matters is that you look at the image board or read the journal everyday so you remain aligned with your goals.

6. Take Inspired Action

Now that you’ve identified what you want let’s move forward. You’ve done the mindset work, visualized, and experienced your feelings. The next step is to take inspired action. This is a significant step because if you just sit back and expect it to arrive on your lap, the universe may say, “Well, you aren’t ready for this”.

For example, if you wanted to manifest a house deposit, taking inspired action would involve:

  • Budgeting.
  • Looking for ways to cut back on your spending.
  • Opening a savings account and setting up a direct debit to have the money go into it.

Okay, so the universe probably won’t deposit $50,000 into your savings account. Still, the universe will notice that you are taking inspired action, that you mean business, and that you are willing to put in the work to attain your goals and desires. It will bring you more opportunities and new ways of achieving your goals.

7. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is another important step. By being grateful you increase your vibration. You can do this by either meditating and thinking about all the positive aspects of your life, or using gratitude affirmations. By reciting gratitude affirmations to yourself, you focus on what you have, instead of what you don’t have. This will also help you let go of any negative and limiting thoughts that you may have. I suggest that you make a list of gratitude affirmations that you read and recite to yourself everyday. Below are some examples of gratitude affirmations that you can use, but feel free to make your own list.

  1. I am thankful for my health and well-being.
  2. I appreciate all the good in my life.
  3. I choose to focus on the positive.
  4. I am confident and proud of myself.
  5. I am safe and secure.
  6. I have many reasons to smile.
  7. I am surrounded by love and support.
  8. I welcome love with open arms.
  9. Everyday, I am getting closer to achieving my goals.
  10. Gratitude will help me manifest what I want in life.

You can find more examples of affirmations here: 50 Positive Self-Talk Phrases.

8. Trust The Process

The last step is to trust the process. It’s a big step because, in a way, you must let go of what you’re trying to manifest. If you are constantly thinking; “It has been weeks, and I’m still not seeing results”, then you aren’t trusting the process. You aren’t letting go. The changes and manifestations will only occur when you fully trust the process, trust the universe, stay positive, stay grateful, and take inspired action.

What to do if you are not seeing results

manifestation problems

If you have followed the steps above and still don’t see results, it may be that you are doubting yourself, not being specific enough, not making the necessary changes, or not trusting the process.

When it comes to self-doubt and limiting beliefs, you need to work on them. What makes you feel that way? Do you feel unworthy? Why do you think it won’t happen to you? Due to the power of our thoughts, limiting beliefs often become the truth. As soon as you notice these limiting beliefs, ask yourself, “Why?” What is the reason behind them? Where does the feeling come from? Stop yourself and say I am worthy. That’s not right. I am capable of reaching my goals.

You should also ask yourself if you are being specific about what you want. Let’s say you want to make more money, but you’re not specific about it. You do a scratch card, and you win $5. The Universe sees that as completing its mission. Now you’re $5 richer. You may even find a quarter coin down the side of your couch. Congratulations, you made 25 cents. Once again, the Universe has done what you’ve asked. This is why specificity is so important.

You also need to make the necessary changes in your life and have faith in the process. Remember that things are not going to change in one day or one week. For example, if you want to become a runner. Running 10k isn’t something you’ll do one morning. You have to get up every morning, exercise, and go for a walk or jog. Build up until you can run 10k. For your manifestation to become reality you must make a genuine effort, keep at it, and have faith in the process.

One last reason you might not be seeing results is that your manifestation might not be coming from a place of love and for the highest good of all. You cannot manifest for someone else, and you cannot manifest harm against anyone, even if unintentional. You will not manifest your desires if you cause harm or negatively impact anyone else. So make sure your manifestation is coming from your heart, and has no negative impact on anyone else.

Get advice from a psychic advisor!

woman calling a psychic advisor

If you are still not seeing results, then there is nothing wrong with asking for help from a professional. Today there are so many professional psychic advisors online who have helped millions of people get answers to their questions regarding love, relationships and career. Many of these advisors are also experts in manifestation and have decades of experience guiding people in the right direction. A psychic is so much more than just someone who can read tarot cards. A professional psychic advisor can be both a life coach and a friend, who can help you see things in a different light, give advice on how to deal with problems, and help you manifest the future that you’ve always dreamed of.

So, where can I get the best help?

There are many psychic websites on the internet but only a few that are trustworthy and have professional advisors and life coaches. Below you will find the three best sites you can try if you need help with manifestation.

psychic source logo

Psychic Source has some of the most trusted psychic advisors and life coaches in the industry. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee which makes them risk free to try. Of their advisors we can recommend Bonnie, as she is not only a psychic advisor, she is also a professional counselor, life coach, and teacher who has guided many people in attracting love. Another great choice is Ivy. She actually specializes in Law of Attraction and Conscious Manifestation, so she can definitely help you with your manifestation journey. You can read one of her articles here: 30 Days to Manifest Five Easy Things in Your Career.

lifereader logo

LifeReader is also a good choice because many of their advisors are certified life coaches and have a lot of experience in helping people reach their goals and create the life they want. They are known to be super friendly and easy to talk to. Of their advisors we can recommend Ann who has over 44 years of experience in helping people. She specializes in Career, Love and Relationship, Family Life and Marriage, Personal Growth and Emotional Well-being. Another great choice is Jacqueline who has two Psychology degrees and offers Life Purpose Coaching for you to achieve your goals and success in all aspects of your life.

psychic access logo

Psychic Access is less known that the other two, but they have several world class advisors and spiritual life coaches who have helped and adviced both celebrities and CEOs. One of the great things about Psychic Access is that you get one free reading! No credit card is required. Of their advisors we can recommend Isadora as she is a well liked and highly rated advisor who has adviced thousands of people, including Hollywood actors and actresses, top CEOs, and other professionals. Another great choice is Cheanne who offers heartfelt, soulful, and clear guidance that will help you manifest your dreams.

So, don’t be afraid to ask for help or try new things. Remember the 6th step in manifesting your dreams; Take Inspired Action! Trying new things can make you see things from a different perspective and give you new ideas. It also shows the Universe that you are making consious efforts to manifest your dreams, which further raises you vibration.


happy couple on the beach

Everyone can benefit from the Law of Attraction and manifest a better life for themselves, but it takes time and effort. You should start from within and get rid of your limiting beliefs. Then be clear about what you want, how you want to feel, and visualize the reality that you want. Write down everything you want to happen or make a vision board, and don’t forget to practice gratitude.

All these steps are important as they will raise your vibration and keep you aligned with your goals. But what ultimately will bring you to your final destination, and make your dreams become reality, is taking inspired action and trusting the process. And remember, if there are bumps on the road, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

We hope these tips have been helpful and will enable you to manifest everything you want in life. Good luck!