25 Amazing Psychic Abilities and Powers
Psychic abilities has always facinated people, but there is a lot of confusion and misconceptions in the field of parapsychology. When people hear the word psychic, the first thing that comes to their mind is probably tarot card readers or fortune tellers, but did you know that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of different types of psychic abilities? And there are very clear distinctions between all of them. Maybe you have heard of the Clair abilities, e.g. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience. “Clair who?” you might ask. Don’t worry! In this article we will cover 25 of the most amazing psychic abilities and explain in an easy-to-understand way what each of them mean.
Before we get to the list, let’s talk a little bit about what defines a psychic ability and where do people get them! Any type of supernatural power or a sixth sense that can’t be explained by science could be classified as a psychic ability. It could be anything from having prophesies of the future, being able to communicate with Spirits, or even knowing what other people are thinking. If it can’t be explained by common knowledge or scientific knowledge, then it probably is a psychic ability.
But where does these psychic abilities come from? The fact is that no one really knows. People who have a psychic ability often say that they have had it since they were very young, but they usually can’t explain how they got it. Some psychics say that they have inherited their gift from one of their parents, and that it has been passed on from generation to generation. There are also cases where people have discovered that they have a psychic ability after they have had a near death experience (NDE).
List of Psychic Abilities
Below is a list of the 25 most amazing psychic abilities that has facinated people for decades and centuries.
1. Clairvoyance
★ Ability to see beyond what is visible
Clairvoyance means “clear seeing”. Psychics with this ability are able to see things and events regardless of their location. In other words, a Clairvoyant can be in one location and see events that take place in a completely different location. It is one of the more common psychic abilities and is very similar to Remote Viewing. However, many Clairvoyants are also able to see past and future events, which makes Clairvoyance also one of the more powerful psychic abilities.
2. Clairaudience
★ Ability to hear beyond what is audible
Clairaudience means “clear hearing”. Psychics who possess this ability are able to hear voices, sounds, and messages from the Spirit world, just like a Medium. They receive these messages either mentally or within their ears, and they can come as clear phrases, random words, music, or other sounds. Sometimes the messages can represent warnings, while other times they can be positive and helpful messages from loved ones who have passed away.
3. Clairsentience
★ Ability to feel the emotions of others
Clairsentience means “clear feeling”. Psychics who have this ability are able to feel the emotions, feelings and even physical sensations of other people. This means they are able to understand what someone is going through on an emotional level. This is similar to being an Empath, but people who are Clairsentience can also feel the past and future emotions of others, while Empaths only feel how others are currently feeling.
4. Claircognizance
★ Ability to know without knowing
Claircognizance means “clear knowing”. This is a form of extrasensory perception (ESP) where the psychic knows things without any prior knowledge of the situation or topic, much like an Intuitive. An example of Claircognizance could be that the psychic gets a strong feeling that something bad will happen at a certain time and place and would therefore avoid going there. Claircognizants often describe these premonitions as strong gut-feelings.
5. Clairalience
★ Ability to smell beyond normal smell senses
Clairalience means “clear smelling”. Psychics who possess this psychic ability have a very sensitive nose and can gain psychic information through the sense of smell. This can manifest itself in that the psychic can smell smoke if there has been a big fire nearby a long time ago, or smell a certain perfume if a Spirit used to wear it when she was alive, or smell flowers if someone has bought or received flowers recently.
6. Clairgustance
★ Ability to taste without tasting
Clairgustance means “clear tasting”. Psychics with this ability are able to experience the physical sensation of taste without anything entering into their mouth. They can also sometimes randomly taste what other people are tasting and have tasted. For example, if someone near the psychic has eaten ice cream earlier in the day then the psychic may get the taste of ice cream in their mouth. A psychic with Clairgustance may also be able to tell what foods a Spirit used to like when they were alive.
7. Clairtangency
★ Ability to gain information by touching
Clairtangency means “clear touch”. Clairtangency is the psychic ability to receive information through physically touching an object, person or animal. This ability is also known as Psychometry. When the psychic touches an object for example, the psychic is able to gain information about the history of that object, where it has been, who has possesed it, and so on. Likewise, if the psychic holds someones hand, the psychic is able to gain information about that person.
8. Divination

★ Ability to predict using tools
Divination is the psychic practice that is used to gain knowledge of the past, present or future by way of occult means, a standardized process, or a ritual. Diviners will usually use interpretive tools such as cards, crystals or numbers when they perform a psychic reading.
One of the most common forms of divination is Tarot Readings. By using a deck of 78 tarot cards the psychic can find out hidden truths about someone, and give answers to specific questions that the person may have. You can learn more about Tarot Readings here, or find out who the Best Online Tarot Readers are.
Other examples of divination are:
Angel Card Readings, Cartomancy, Cleromancy, Lithomancy, Dowsing, Tea Readings, Rune Readings, Numerology, and Astrology.
9. Scrying
★ Ability to see visions by gazing
Scrying is a centuries-old form of divination that requires the psychic to look deeply into something, for example a crystal ball, in order to see visions. These visions may show prophecies of the future, give clarity about a specific issue, or give guidance and inspiration. The crystal ball is the most commonly used medium for scyring, also known as crystal gazing, but psychics may also use other mediums such as a mirror, water, stones, smoke or fire.
10. Precognition
★ Ability to see into the future
Precognition, also called Future Sight, is the psychic ability to see future events before they have happened. The word Precognition comes from Latin and literally means “to know beforehand”. A person with Precognition may see future events in waking visions, flashes of thought or even in dreams. These visions may sometimes seem random to the individual, but if interpreted correctly, accurate predictions about the future can be made.
11. Retrocognition
★ Ability to see into the past
Retrocognition, also known as Postcognition, is the psychic ability to see or infer knowledge of past events. Those gifted with this psychic power can use it to assist in unsolved crimes, unfinished businesses, as well as help others who may have traumatic experiences they can’t recall. Just like with Precognition, the information may come in waking visions, flashes of thought or in dreams.
12. Psychic Intuition
★ Ability to intuitively know
A person who has extraordinarily strong intuition is called an Intuitive. These individuals are able to sense or know certain things that have happened in the past, present and future. The difference between a Claircognizant and an Intuitive is that an Intuitive does not need to interpret the information they receive. They simply “know” or have a very strong gut feeling, and the information comes to them naturally, without having to use any tools or psychic exercises.
13. Psychic Empathy
★ Ability to feel what others feel
Psychic Empathy is the ability to sense the feelings and emotions of others, even when they are not displayed. Most people can feel empathy when they see someone who is hurt or someone who is crying, but a Psychic Empath can pick up on non-visual and non-verbal cues when someone is feeling sadness, fear, pain or joy. Empaths are usually very loving and caring individuals who want to help others.
14. Energy Healing

★ Ability to heal and restore energy
The term Energy Healing is used to describe a variety of holistic healing methods that use the natural mind-body connection to improve emotional and physical wellbeing. By replenishing and balancing the body’s natural energy centers, patients may notice benefits such as reduced stress, reduced blood pressure, better sleep, more energy, and improved mood. There are several ways to perform this form of healing, including hands-on, hands-off, and remote healing.
Although many people have found Energy Healing to be a great way to improve their overall wellness, it should not be used as a substitute to professional medical treatments.
Examples of Energy Healing are:
Reiki, Qigong, Acupuncture, Chakra Healing, and Crystal Healing.
15. Mediumship
★ Ability to communicate with Spirits
Mediumship is the ability to communicate with Spirits. A Medium acts as a bridge between the spirit world and the living world. People often go to a Medium if they have a loved one who has passed away and they want to hear from them one last time, or if they have some unanswered questions to them. The Medium usually listens, senses, sees, and translates the messages that the Spirit would like to communicate to those in the physical world.
16. Channeling
★ Ability to allow Spirits to communicate through them
Channeling is a form of Mediumship where the purpose is to communicate with Spirits. Unlike a Medium who listens to the Spirit, a Channeler allows the Spirit to step into their body to communicate messages through them, using their voice and body. Channeling also tends to happen in a trance-like state, so sometimes the Channeler will not remember everything that was said during a Channeling session.
17. Automatic Writing
★ Ability to create written messages from Spirits
Automatic writing is a psychic ability that allows individuals to create written messages without using the conscious mind. It is often used by Channelers as a method to receive messages from the Spirit world. The Channeler will usually hold a pen in their hand or sit by a computer, and then allow the spirit to temporarily take over their body to produce messages that the Spirit wants to communicate.
18. Aura Reading
★ Ability to read auras
Psychics who have this special ability are able to see the energy field that surrounds a person’s body, more commonly known as an aura. Auras can take on different colors and each color has a different meaning. Because the colors are constantly changing depending on the individuals health, mood, thoughts and so on, each person has a unique color combination. By reading a person’s aura it is possible to gain a lot of information about their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of being.
19. Telepathy

★ Ability to communicate thoughts
Telepathy is the psychic ability to communicate thoughts from one mind to another, sometimes referred to as mind-to-mind communication or mind-reading. It can be used to both send thoughts to others and to receive thoughts from others, without the use of the basic human senses. Even feelings and emotions can be transmitted from one person to another through Telepathy.
You may also have heard of Twin Telepathy. Twins share a unique bond and are believed to have some kind of pathway to each other’s minds, which is why they often know exactly what the other one is thinking.
We also have Animal Telepathy, which is the ability to communicate with animals, and to understand what they are thinking. Those who possess this ability are often referred to as pet psychics.
20. Telekinesis
★ Ability to move or manipulate objects
Telekinesis, also known as Psychokinesis, is the psychic power to move or manipulate objects without physically touching them. In other words, only the power of the mind is used. This is one of the most intriguing psychic abilities, but also one of the rarest as very few people have been able to demonstrate it. The famous psychic Uri Geller has claimed to have this ability and demonstrated a series of telekinetic powers in the 70’s, with the mind-boggling spoon bending as his most famous skill. We also often see these psychic powers used in films like “Carrie” and comics like the X-Men series.
21. Remote Viewing
★ Ability to see remotely
Remote Viewing is the ability to see something that is not visible to the viewer. For example, a Remote Viewer may be able to describe a location on the other side of the world, which he or she has never visited, or describe an object that is locked in another room. Usually Remote Viewers will not see a clear picture of the target, instead they have to pieces together and interpret what they see. Remote Viewing is similar to Clairvoyance and both words can be used interchangeably.
22. Psychometry
★ Ability to see by touching
Psychometry, also known as Clairtangency, is the psychic ability to read an objects history by touching it. Every object has a history. When a Psychometrist touches an object, for example a ring, he or she is able to sense how old it is, where it has been, and even give information about the person who has worn it. The information that is received through Psychometry can come in the form of visual images, smells, emotions or sounds.
23. Levitation

★ Ability to levitate
Levitation is the ability to raise your body off the ground and hover or move around in the air, without the use of ropes or other aids. This is considered by far the rarest psychic ability and something you would normally only see in movies.
Few people today claim to have seen someone levitating, but there are actually many historical accounts of people being able to do this extraordinary feat. Most reports of human levitation have come from Spirit mediums during séances, Shamans, those subjected to poltergeist activity, those who claim they have been abducted by aliens, mystics, and a few Saints.
One of the most notable Saints was St. Joseph of Cupertino from Italy, who in the 1600’s demonstated his incredible levitaion skills at least 70 times in many cities and in front of cultivated and distinguished gatherings, including the Pope.
24. Astral Projection
★ Ability to leave your physical body
Astral Projection refers to an out-of-body-experience (OBE) during which the astral body/spirit/soul leaves the physical body and is able to travel throughout the universe. Some people are able to induce an OBE consciously through meditation or other spiritual practices, while others may experience an OBE unconsciously, for example when they are sleeping or during a near-death experience.
25. Past Life Regression
★ Ability to see past life experiences
Past Life Regression is a form of hypnotherapy where the goal is to unlock memories of a person’s past lives. The person conducting Past Life Regression will usually first put their client in a light hypnotic state and then guide them so they can see and experience their past lives. This experience can often be very therapeutic and answer questions about why you have become the person you are today, and release fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas.
There is also something called Past Life Readings which is different from Regression therapy. Past Life Readings are usually done by an intuitive psychic who is able to see into your past lives, and provide information about them to you directly.
As you can see, there are many different types of psychic abilites, and it is easy to see why people are so intrigued with the paranormal as these abilities defy science and common knowledge. Whether you think you may have a psychic ability, know someone who might be psychic, or if you were just curious and wanted to learn more about this subject, we hope this list has been helpful and made it easier to distinguish between the different types of psychic abilities and powers.